Permanently Replace Missing Teeth with Durable Dental Implants

Tooth loss can have a major impact on your daily life. Smiling becomes more embarrassing, which makes it harder to meet new acquaintances or form meaningful connections. But, more than that, tooth loss can lead to worsening oral health conditions, putting your dental and systemic health at risk. With dental implants, however, patients can safely and comfortably replace one or more missing teeth for life.

At Villa Rica Family Dental, our talented implant dentist, Dr. Stacey McDowell, has years of experience helping patients repair their smiles with durable dental implants. If you’re ready to explore your candidacy, then contact our Villa Rica, GA, dental clinic by calling (770) 459-4131 today. We’ll gladly help you explore all of your tooth-replacement options during an in-depth dental implant consultation.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a safe and effective way to permanently replace missing teeth. Indeed, dentists widely regard dental implants (also called ‘tooth implants’) as the best tooth-replacement option available to patients today.

Implants act like a tooth’s natural root, which helps protect the jawbone, gums, and surrounding teeth from prolonged damage and degradation. And, because tooth implants are crafted from medical-grade titanium, patients with dental implants often experience a remarkably high implant survival rate of 98% over a ten-year period.

Do I need oral surgery to get dental implants?

Yes, dental implants require oral surgery. However, the procedure is extremely common and relatively straightforward. Additionally, we enhance the success and comfort of the procedure by administering prescription-strength numbing agents and sedatives before beginning treatment.

How do I prepare for tooth implants?

Patients must have sufficiently dense jawbones, healthy teeth, and disease-free gums before getting tooth implants. Some patients already have an implant-ready mouth, but others do not. Patients must resolve any oral issues before getting implants by:

  • Treating all cavities
  • Reversing or managing gum disease with periodontal care
  • Strengthening weak bone tissue with a dental bone graft

Once our dentist in Villa Rica believes that your mouth is healthy and strong enough to support titanium implants, then patients can proceed to the next step: dental implant placement.

Explaining Dental Implant Placement

First, Dr. Stacey dulls the treatment area with pain-blocking local anesthesia. Then, she makes a tiny incision in the gum tissue to reveal the jawbone underneath. Using cutting-edge technology and contemporary techniques, Dr. Stacey embeds the implant into the jawbone at the perfect location and angle to permanently support a lifelike restoration.

Over the next three to six months, the bone tissue grows around the implant, which permanently secures its position in the mouth. Once our Villa Rica dentist believes that the implant is fully healed, she can then place a natural-looking dental crown, bridge, or denture on top of the titanium post.

The result is a perfectly complete smile that looks and acts just like your original grin!

The Life-changing Benefits of Dental Implants

There are several benefits of long-lasting dental implants, such as:

  • Improved biting, chewing, and speaking ability
  • Enhanced dental and systemic health
  • Lasting support for the jawbone, gums, and neighboring teeth
  • Restored dental aesthetic
  • Better quality of life

Schedule a Dental Implant Consultation in Villa Rica, GA

If you’re ready to replace missing teeth with dental implants, then contact the team at Villa Rica Family Dental today. We can help you verify your candidacy, explore your restoration options, and prepare for the procedure. Simply call our Villa Rica dental clinic at (770) 459-4131 to book your consultation now!